
  • 2007 - 2008
    The First Steps
    The internships Mr. Kemal KIRIKKANAT (Founder and Chairman of INO Networks Group) made during the 3rd and 4th years of university enlightened his path. A newly university-graduated young man understood the importance of good communication and strong connections in business life. He started to build his career, educated and developed himself with countless courses such as foreign trade specialist, web designer, web programmer, logistics management, and freight forwarding while working in a worldwide known freight forwarding company.
  • 2008 - 2009
    The Core Idea Dropped Into The Mind
    Mr. Kemal KIRIKKANAT who was in his early twenties experienced the cooperation level between freight forwarders, and their relationship with the parties such as exporters, importers, shipping lines, airways, and truckers. He noticed that the business flow between parties is not satisfactory, and freight forwarders are one of the most hardworking and damaged parties during all these periods. However, he also noticed that as long as freight forwarders are fair, honest, and supportive of one another, the operation flow gets easier to manage, and the business gets much more profitable. Due to this fact, he started to search the industry and deepen his knowledge regarding partnerships for freight forwarders. All these processes showed him that there are some bodies to serve the needs of forwarders. However, some of them have been managed by people who were not related to the industry, and some of them were already turned into membership or retirement businesses.
  • 2009 - 2010
    The Sole Proprietorship Established
    Things were getting serious and official. Business plan started to be run! Mr. Kemal KIRIKKANAT launched his first agent network called “Freight Forwarders Family Worldwide Agents Network”, designed the website and coded the infrastructure. He did marketing, sales and operation by his own. After a short period of time, he met a nice lady named Selda OZGUR. He mentioned his vision to her including each single step. She believed in this young man. Under these circumstances, Mr. Kirikkanat offered to work together with Ms. Ozgur to accomplish their vision and mission. Mr. Kirikkanat and Mrs. Kirikkanat have been working together as husband and wife since 2009.
  • 2010 - 2011
    Why Competitors Have More Advantages
    Mr. Kemal KIRIKKANAT created a new business plan and decided to compete with competitors under the same conditions by having the same tools as them. He contacted the Invest Hong Kong agency, learned the requirements, determined his points of contact, and began making preparations for the following years.
  • 2011 - 2012
    Limited Company Established
    The first Limited Company “INO Ulus. Nak. Org. Ltd. Sti.” was established in Türkiye to reach the corporate body and highest level of quality. The 1st network and the other networks would have been placed under Limited Company, and today is globally known as INO Networks Group.
  • 2012 - 2013
    Hong Kong Adventure Starts
    The business plan was accepted by the Invest Hong Kong agency, and Mr. KIRIKKANAT was invited to Hong Kong to make an investment. This became a new milestone for him. He and his wife migrated to Hong Kong with one-way air tickets. They completed all the requirements and set up their second limited company there. They lived in Hong Kong for years, managing all operations from there for three and a half years. They employed between four and eight employees periodically.
  • 2013 - 2014
    New Network, New Concept
    The Freight Midpoint International Forwarders Network was established with the idea of providing high-quality, yet affordable networking opportunities to freight forwarders. The concept aimed to offer affordable membership fees and abundant opportunities in a secure environment. Therefore, the main aspect that differentiates Freight Midpoint is the decision to accept new members based on the recommendations of current members.
  • 2014 - 2016
    Bigger Targets
    The 3rd organization which serves to project cargo freight forwarders was established, named OPCA - Overseas Project Cargo Association. The OPCA is a premium, global agent network of professional project cargo freight forwarders and logistics companies. It was launched to provide a high level of expertise for the transport of XXL cargo and complex project cargo shipments on a global scale through its experienced and qualified member agents.
  • 2016 - 2021
    Home Sweet Home
    The head office of INO Networks Group moved to Türkiye and placed to the lovely city of Canakkale. Re-structuring was started and the core team was built there, and proud to express that the team members who took place in the re-structuring process are today the leader of all operations.
  • 2021 - 2024
    Final Destination
    The INO Networks Group's head office moved to Izmir. It has been serving the industry with a team of more than 20 staff members, and the group is continuing to expand with young talents to improve the services.

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