A warm welcome to GO! Express & Logistics Sud GmbH!

A warm welcome to GO! Express & Logistics Sud GmbH!

We’re excited to announce a new addition to our Overseas Project Cargo Association! Today, we warmly welcome GO! EXPRESS & LOGISTICS SUD GMBH from Austria as our latest member. Our global family continues to expand, bringing in valuable partners from around the world.

Join us in extending a warm welcome to GO! EXPRESS & LOGISTICS SUD GMBH on board. We look forward to a strong and fruitful collaboration!

Company Details:

  • Address: Industriezeile 1, Objekt 5, A-8401, Kalsdorf, Austria
  • Contacts: Michael Tatschl, Rolf Hadolt, Walter Daum, Felix Hadolt, Josip Stimec, Thomas Ostermann, Christopher Schaden
  • Phone: +4359-081-811-41
  • Website: www.general-overnight.com


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