Simba Clearing and Freight Forwarding Joined Among Us!

Simba Clearing and Freight Forwarding Joined Among Us!

We’re excited to announce a new member joining the Overseas Project Cargo Association! Today, we warmly welcome Simba Clearing and Freight Forwarding Ltd from Tanzania as our latest member. Our global family continues to expand, bringing in valuable partners from around the world.

Join us in extending a warm welcome to Simba Clearing and Freight Forwarding Ltd on board. We look forward to a strong and fruitful collaboration!

Company Details:

  • Company Name: Simba Clearing and Freight Forwarding Ltd
  • Address: Plot 492 Makunganya Street, Dar es Salaam, P.O Box 12538, Tanzania
  • Contacts: Gladness Mosha & Joyce Subi
  • Phone: +2550-222-111-14-1
  • Website:

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